Granda Team’s products and nutritional solutions for beef cattle farms

Granda Team’s MISSION has always been:


Granda Team, through more than twenty years of experience gained in field, has achieved a deep and detailed various AGRIBUSINESS models’ knowledge in Italian and foreign markets, becoming an active part of them and contributing to the value creation with specifically developed products and services.

Granda Team, which was born in the Cuneo Piedmont’s area, has coexisted with the Piedmontese breed’s needs and requirements from the very beginning. This has led us, in addition to having about 30 years of experience in the sector, to increase our skills and our know-how for beef cattle farms and to transfer our knowledge, little by little, throughout the territory national.

The Granda Team’s commitment (support the players in the beef chain throughout the country, with various genetic breeds in the various territories) was to constantly propose dedicated solutions for each reality with the aim of satisfying the needs and making sustainable business models.

Beef Cattle Health and Nutrition Additives
nutritional solutions for beef cattle farms
nutritional products to reduce morbidity and mortality in beef cattle
nutritional products to improve health status in beef cattle

In order to reach the maximum GENERATED VALUE levelBEEF CATTLE FARMS must rely on STRATEGIC PARTNERS:

  • Veterinarians
  • Feed suppliers
  • Structures and equipment suppliers
  • Credit institutions

GRANDA TEAM fits into the dairy farms’ AGRIBUSINESS model as a STRATEGIC PARTNER and contributes to the VALUE GENERATION BY IMPROVING AND MANAGING all KEY ACTIVITIES, proposing itself both as a SERVICE SUPPLIER, through its own TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS’ TEAM, and as a NUTRACEUTICAL/NUTRITIONAL SOLUTIONS’ SUPPLIER, tested and validated in field, FUNDAMENTAL to increase the ADDED VALUE PERCEIVED by the entire BEEF sector.



GRANDA TEAM’s solutions maximize all farm’s production factors. Starting from the crop plans’ choice and the feeds available in each farm, GRANDA TEAM’s specialists support the farmer in overseeing the manger’s management through consultancy actions and the technology’s application ON FARM with process controls, analysis and advanced diagnostics.

The targeted and specific supplementary diets and solutions’ choice makes it possible to transform what is the main production cost (feed) into an opportunity to maximize revenue through the prevention of what can become pathologies or technopathies with a strong impact on the production cycle’s sustainability.

GRANDA TEAM’s specialists, through a control service’s process, support farmers in creating a feed protocol aimed at reducing the production factors variability:

Monitor that the forage, farm’s production and purchased raw materials’ nutritional parameters, are in line with the assessments made when preparing the diets in the reference nutritional model

Correct diet’s manufacture

24-hour ration’s availability and distribution

Optimum ration’s homogeneity  

Impossibility of ration’s selection

Controlled leftovers’ management

nutritional products to reduce days spent on the farm in beef cattle

Manger management and control system in dairy and beef farm

nutritional products to make faster growth in beef cattle
nutritional products to increase dry matter intake in beef cattle


It is now recognized that various substances present in nature have the ability to improve physiological conditions and health status, even in farm animals, with extremely positive effects on the consumption of antimicrobials reduction.

Granda Team’s R&D department has been completely oriented over the years to the particularly effective components identification, a pool of:


and the respective quantities definition capable of giving a synergistic effect to the individual products use.

This has led to highly technological and specific nutritional solutions development and formulation for each farming stage, which, combined with  high nutritional value food diets, bring important benefits on production performance, health status and some animal digestibility parameters.



Feed Conversion Index

Average daily weight gain

Health status

Morbidity – Mortality

nutritional products to improve meat colorimetric characteristics in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to improve production’s performance and the herd’s health status

nutritional products to improve conformation and fatness’ state

Nutritional solution with anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action for the arrival phase

nutritional products to improve slaughter yield in beef cattle/market

Nutritional solution that acts against heat stress and improves animals wealfare in all farm’s phase

Beef Cattle Health and Nutrition Additives

Hygiene line for biosecurity’s optimizing  in beef cattle farms

beef cattle nutrition

Nutritional solution to fight mycotoxin contamination

nutritional products to improve rumen health in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to improve the starches and fiber’s digestibility and increase muscle’s development

nutritional solutions for beef cattle farms
nutritional products to improve feed convertion index in beef cattle


pH, volatile fatty acids and ruminal N NH3

Rumen content’s foaminess  


Fecal consistency, undigested fecal fraction, chemical analysis and pH

R-max beef performance solutions

Nutritional solution to improve production’s performance and the herd’s health status

nutritional products to improve feed convertion index in beef cattle

Nutritional solution with anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action for the arrival phase

Termo Yeast

Nutritional solution that acts against heat stress and improves animals wealfare in all farm’s phase

nutritional products to reduce morbidity and mortality in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to optimize the beef cattle’s digestive function 

nutritional products to improve health status in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to improve the starches and fiber’s digestibility and increase muscle’s development

nutritional products to improve average daily weight gain in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to optimize energy intake and increase the diet’s nutritional value in beef cattle

nutritional products to improve rumen health in beef cattle
nutritional products to improve slaughter yield in beef cattle/market


Slaughter yield

pH at 24 hours post mortem

Conformation and fatness’ state

Colorimetric characteristics

nutritional products to improve conformation and fatness’ state

Nutritional solution to improve production’s performance and the herd’s health status

nutritional products to improve meat colorimetric characteristics in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to optimize energy intake and increase the diet’s nutritional value in beef cattle

nutritional products to increase dry matter intake in beef cattle

Nutritional solution to optimize energy intake and increase the diet’s nutritional value in beef cattle

nutritional products to make faster growth in beef cattle
nutritional products to reduce days spent on the farm in beef cattle

With GRANDA TEAM’s services and solutions, beef cattle farms optimally control their KEY farming’s ACTIVITIES, reduce the COST STRUCTURE making it SUSTAINABLE and increase the VALUE GENERATED.


ask GRANDA TEAM expert

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    nutritional products to improve health status in beef cattle
    nutritional solutions for beef cattle farms

    Where we are

    Via P. Massia 1, 12038 Savigliano (CN)