Fertility management in dairy cows

improve conception rate in dairy cows


Since the 1990s, the bovine hypofertility’s study has found ample space in the scientific literature concerning the bovine species’ reproductive pathologies.

Cow’s fertility is characterized by the some factors’ presence that cow must possess at the same time:

  • Corpus luteum presence (CL), which ensures the progesterone presence;
  • A dominant follicle presence of correct size and ready to ovulate (follicular dehiscence);
  • The uterus’ ability to welcome the new embryo that will develop in the days following dehiscence.

The pathological alterations that can occur in each of these key moments can induce hypofertility.

Here are the main causes that induce hypofertility:

  • Metabolic stress (puerperal collapse, ketosis, etc.);
  • Inflammations and infections due to bacterial or viral agents (mastitis, metritis, foot problems);
  • Initial lactation phase especially in primiparas or when there is a BCS (Body Condition Score) either too high or too low;
  • Environmental conditions (temperature, farming density, etc.);
  • Food stress (mycotoxins, vitamin and/or trace element deficiencies, etc.)



Fertility is the “natural” cow’s expression and this undergoes negative effects starting from macro-biological alterations.

When alterations and dysmetabolisms are present, there is immunodepression and an increase in the pathologies incidence in all the various sectors, especially in the uterine and mammary sector in the lactation phase.

A herd affected by a high pathologies presence will always suffer from low reproductive performance and hypofertility.

It’s essential an herd’s “all-round” global vision, characterized by a complete and precise reproductive and anamnestic data company’s analysis.


In the first postpartum, blood cholesterol’s (steroid hormones’ precursor) monitoring and a complete uterus and uterine’s exudate analysis as well as the temperature’s detection for uterine pathologies diagnosis are essential.

Furthermore, if the anestria’s incidence and ovarian cysts is high, a mycotoxins’ presence analysis is essential.

Oxidative stress has a major negative effect on fertility. It is possible to evaluate oxidative stress presence through specific blood tests (dROM, BAPtest).

All of this is clearly an integral operating method’s part which is a operations and technical knowledge set to be spent in a specific way for each individual reality; only following the data that emerges, it will be possible to choose the optimal path to follow.

The fertility’s restoration within a dairy cows farm is not only a specific product’s research and use dedicated to them, but takes the form in an application model that takes into consideration all the predisposing factors that have interfered with fertility’s performance. GRANDA TEAM’s PROMEGA PLUS program is positioned as a systemic solution to support fertility’s programs and protocols and to increase dairy cows’ health and fertility performance.

Specifically, when hypofertile cows are tested, i.e. dairy cows with a biological substrates’ lack (primarily blood cholesterol), in order to allow correct biosynthesis of both steroid and sexual hormones, the omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids’ intake in the right proportion, is particularly important in order to provide biological precursors for the progesterone and derivatives’ biosynthesis.

With GRANDA TEAM’s PROMEGA PLUS solution use, the omega 3-6 balance is rebalanced according to an approach that takes into consideration both the feeds’ contributions and the local companies needs and expectations.

PROMEGA PLUS solution objectives:

Ration Omega 6/3 fatty acids at a ratio of 4:1/5:1

Favor protected-rumen sources in order to reduce the global intake but not the one organic available

Provide 12-15 g of organic available Omega 3 acids without exceeding the Omega-6 acids’ administration especially in the close-up phase (proinflammatory effect)

Predict before use to quantify blood cholesterol: in case of hypocholesterolemia, the Omega 3/6 administration can be a real solution to bovine hypofertility


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    increase progesterone in dairy cows
    prevent subfertility in dairy cows/ in dairy cattle

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    Via P. Massia 1, 12038 Savigliano (CN)